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TNJ Sponsors

We are proud of our collaborations and partnerships with these incredible organisations (+ their extraordinary people) who support us as we build our vision for a better future for us all.

Momentum Energy

Momentum Energy has powered The New Joneses for years. 

Big thanks Momentum. We couldn't do it without you.

Momentum Energy is 100% owned by Australia’s largest renewable energy generator, Hydro Tasmania.

Whichever power company you choose, the energy you get is pretty much identical.
Support our clean energy future by choosing an energy company that scored 4.5 stars in Greenpeace’s 2022 Green Electricity Guide.

Want to go one greener? 
Add in GreenPower when you sign up (Momentum offers up to 100%).

Switch to a greener kind of energy company – Momentum Energy.
Call 1800 627 228



A concept dreamed up and backed by Mike Cannon-Brookes, Boundless’ purpose is to accelerate climate solutions at the scale and speed required for Australia to do its fair share to avert the climate crisis. Boundless uses the levers of philanthropy, investment and direct advocacy to make change and get Australia on the path to becoming a renewable energy superpower by 2030. 

The New Joneses could not be more proud to have the support of BOUNDLESS in creating our climate-action-at-home series.



Polestar is a Swedish car company leading the way in creating 100% electric cars that deliver incredible performance, whilst reducing the environmental impact.

Polestar's moon-shot goal is to produce the world's first truly climate neutral vehicle by 2030, currently dubbed the Polestar 0 Project. 

The New Joneses are thrilled to drive the Polestar 2 on our All-Electric Road Trip to uncover the climate solutions we have to hand.

Documentary Australia Foundation

The New Joneses Season 3 is financed with the assistance of Documentary Australia.

Documentary Australia supports powerful stories for positive social change. 

Documentary Australia is a unique not-for-profit that ensures important stories, like The New Joneses, are told, seen and supported by powerful social impact campaigns. 

The New Joneses are thrilled to partner with Documentary Australia on our mission to make climate-action-at-home engaging and accessible to all.